A high-performance digital team is responsible for developing, testing and implementing a strategy to reach and engage the target groups through digital channels such as web, mobile and social media.

What are the characteristics of a good search engine consultant?
A search engine consultant goes through and keeps track of websites and makes sure that the site ranks in a good way in search engines like Google, Bing but also mobile platforms. A skilled search engine consultant can often work miracles for your website and give you much more traffic and qualified leads.
What separates a good search engine consultant from a bad one is the curiosity to change and continuously change a website so that it works best within the niche. Being curious and asking relevant questions is a must.
Often it is about finding problem areas and strengthening a website or improving it where there are low-hanging fruit.
What does a search engine consultant really do?
A search engine consultant is involved in developing and realizing customers’ marketing strategies. To succeed and thrive as a search engine consultant, you need to be curious and read a lot about different algorithms and the latest findings on digital marketing.
Digital specialists live and breathe online and fix what needs to be done. In concrete terms, this means that a search engine consultant often works with onsite optimization, onpage optimization, offsite optimization (links) and technical SEO, which are the basics, but it can also be about looking up and fixing conversion optimization.
An SEO consultant can also quickly evaluate a website and find opportunities for improvement in, for example, design, identify weaknesses or problems on the site where it is not indexed in an optimal way.
Training as a search engine consultant?
Digital competence is largely in short supply and it is difficult to find experienced search engine consultants. There are few educations without the job reminiscent of a craft that requires testing different hypotheses and testing creative ideas to improve a website. Another problem is that the best methods are often kept to yourself. We hold training courses in search engine optimization at IHM.
I originally trained as a graduate in economics because I am interested in numbers, but my interest in computers has meant that I read a lot about digital marketing, relationship marketing and not least graphic design.
Since I have worked with the segments that have the toughest competition, such as in the gold industry and the hair segment, I have refined my methods.
Working with the most competitive niches means that you compete against the best in Sweden and today there are about 20 people who are really good – we definitely know who they are!
I believe that a solid background in statistics means a clear advantage when evaluating different activities and understanding of how algorithms work, but also understanding of the actual business benefits of search engine optimization.
Do Search Engine Consultant Payroll and Why Do Prices for a Search Engine Consultant Vary?
As in all crafts, the prices vary according to competence and what the consultant’s background is and what they work with. Some agencies call people who have just taken a vocational training as a senior SEO consultant or Head of SEO.
It is also provocative when some SEO companies claim that it takes 2 years to become a search engine consultant. A consultant who works more with business development and strategies than simple onsite optimization naturally also has a higher salary and gives companies significantly better results.
Digital marketing consists of several components, some strategy, a large part design and graphics, writing texts and evaluating sites with a scientific approach.
SEO is labor intensive and takes time and what companies do varies a lot. Some companies choose to have current charges while others have fixed prices. Some work mostly with telephone sales while others work more with strategies and to really develop sites!
When do you need an SEO consultant?
Analyzing sites that are either built or to be built can be complex. Here you may need the coaching of an experienced person to analyze the technical parts and use search behavior analysis to create a good foundation and foundation for your website.
Support for the marketing department and the digital team
Editorial SEO is primarily about improving content and texts and getting visitors to stay longer on the site.
Our search engine optimizers help digital teams and editors with SEO campaigns and come up with concrete suggestions on how the site can be improved.
Examples of tasks are structural changes on the site, website promotion, analysis of keyword volumes, editorial texts, long-tail and onsite optimization of websites.
- Effective reports for your SEO analysis – what key figures and KPIs do you need to follow up
- Project management – Read our document on search engine optimization in larger companies
- Make sure you budget for search engine optimization